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Articles in Category: Whole-Home Audio San Diego, CA

Get more out of your music with a whole-home audio system in your San Diego, CA property. Find out how you can stream to any room of your home with a single touch.

Stream Music Through Your Home Without the Clutter

Invisible Whole-Home Audio Is Easier Than You Think

Stream Music Through Your Home Without the Clutter

Imagine walking into any room of your San Diego, CA, home, and hearing your favorite tunes. Whether you want to stream a single playlist throughout your house, or you'd like to choose a different song for each room, you can do it with a whole-home audio system. But many homeowners hesitate before installing a system; won’t it clutter up your spaces with bulky, boxy speakers and AV gear? The truth is: it doesn’t have to. You can design a system to look the way you want. Ready to find out how? Keep reading.

TAGS: Control4 | In-Wall Speakers

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